November 11, 2005

P. C. the Sailor Boy

The adventures of P. C. Wu, the sailor, never ends and he has just embarked on one of life's most enriching journey as audit assistant. So pleased with his profession (inspite of some stupidity due to "newness") that he would enthusiatically recommend any like-minded people (people who wants to live life to the fullest) to join the profession. And he looks forward to the audit peak period when the hull of his passion for business and accountancy will be tested under the harshest of weathers.

Anyway, this blog will not be made significantly more happening because his duty of confidentiality will stand. There are other things to rely on, especially for this admiral who has so much fleets of ships to explore different part of the world called life.

To name one: P. C. Wu will be running his third Singapore Marathon this December, together with comrade-in-arms, Edwin Tan. The engine rooms of both have not been lubricated for a long time but they believe this is going to be the most interesting experience yet.

We are keeping our mouth sealed on one of his most exciting voyage yet.... you can say it is a voyage of no return. Yes, because the only way to sail is forward. His fleet will set sail anytime.

Stay tuned..... for latest news!

This blog may sound abit incoherent. you got to give our correspondent Wu time after not writing for 3 months.