November 11, 2005

P. C. the Sailor Boy

The adventures of P. C. Wu, the sailor, never ends and he has just embarked on one of life's most enriching journey as audit assistant. So pleased with his profession (inspite of some stupidity due to "newness") that he would enthusiatically recommend any like-minded people (people who wants to live life to the fullest) to join the profession. And he looks forward to the audit peak period when the hull of his passion for business and accountancy will be tested under the harshest of weathers.

Anyway, this blog will not be made significantly more happening because his duty of confidentiality will stand. There are other things to rely on, especially for this admiral who has so much fleets of ships to explore different part of the world called life.

To name one: P. C. Wu will be running his third Singapore Marathon this December, together with comrade-in-arms, Edwin Tan. The engine rooms of both have not been lubricated for a long time but they believe this is going to be the most interesting experience yet.

We are keeping our mouth sealed on one of his most exciting voyage yet.... you can say it is a voyage of no return. Yes, because the only way to sail is forward. His fleet will set sail anytime.

Stay tuned..... for latest news!

This blog may sound abit incoherent. you got to give our correspondent Wu time after not writing for 3 months.

August 12, 2005

Just A Thought


We are aware of its working in our every day's life.
How many would observe that it is actually as applicable in
something as modern as Microsoft Excel?

上面的 row 不 align, 下面的 row 也不 align.

August 11, 2005

John Little Stint

I was employed by my favourite retailer, John Little. It is my favourite because the quality and price of their products suit my lifestyle. Almost the whole collection of my office wear is bought there. The fact that this company functions in a sector which I never work in before made this experience additionally enriching.

The place of operation is at Expo for their warehouse sale. I remember the first time they organized such sale, their advertisement told shoppers something like it is a sale that would happen only once. For your interest, this is already the third or fourth John Little Expo Warehouse Sale. Robinson organized a similar sale at least once. I know because these sales were always held during the ACCA examination period in Expo where the examinations are conducted. I applied to be a cashier but was designated to be a packer. A packer’s job would be to pack shoppers’ purchases into plastic bag, after the cashier recorded the sales, for them to bring home with ease. He is also trained to be a cashier and required to assume the role as and when required.

A work day would start with some house-keeping. That is to refold the clothes which have been messed by shoppers on the previous day. This is a task which I hate to perform in the first couple of days of work…. The task never seems to be completed. I only came to enjoy it towards the end of my stint because I realized it will never be completed.

About 15 minutes before the hall opened, cashiers and packers would standby at their cash tills and work till lunch time and then the end of the shift. I am very fortunate to be “buddied” to a temporary cashier, Daphne, who knows her stuff. I cannot remember a time when she encountered a problem with the cash till which she could not solve calmly and gracefully like an experienced hand. As a packer, my work rate (not without work ethic) is equally astonishing and that led my buddy to ask whether I am trained to be a packer. I have to laugh at the question. Before starting work, I thought I would be trained. ‘Fastest packer…. Most competent cashier’…. That made us the “deadliest” Cashier-Packer Duo for this sale. Things would have been so much different if she is a blur cashier or I am a clumsy packer. Other friends who I got to know includes fellow packers: Ken, Dennis and Joshua.

My favourite day of work is the last day of the sale i.e. National Day. Actually, like many temporary staff, my stint was shortened and set to end on Monday. Due to anticipated large crowd, some were asked back and I am one of them. Anyway, I have got used to waking up earlier at 6am and my throat felt better. The morning of the non-work/school day was quiet and traffic was smooth. My first task was to do housekeeping for children wear. I chose a basket which I am familiar with and started my natural hands movement. Then, to my surprise, Daphne appeared. The deadly duo was back. Quote Willy Wonka ‘The best prize is surprise’. The encore is short as I am to assume the role of cashier in another counter shortly after lunch for as long as 3 hours. Cashiering…. That is something I want to do. Imagine how much worse off I would be if I had said no to the HR department’s request.

This experience would have been more enjoyable if not of a cold and sore throat which began on Thursday evening. These prevented me from being too enthusiastic and adventurous when dealing with shoppers and my new friends. Joy of work: 4.5 out of 5 stars. Personal development: 5 out of 5 stars (Considering my wide spectrum of working experience, I have never done anything like this before).

I will leave with a bit of advice for future shoppers at warehouse sales. I predict that Robinson would organize one for the Christmas season and these would be useful. Firstly, always attend such sales on the first days. I witnessed a few merchandises were gone by the second day and those left were of odd sizes or non-warehouse sale price. Secondly, make sure the things you want to buy come with a barcode or price tag. If there is none, copy the barcode number and price of the same product for the cashier to record. And if it is the last piece without a price tag, tell the cashier so. Finally, queue up in the rows where “deadly” cashier-packer duos are working as they are able to process your purchases much faster.