November 29, 2004

Singapore Marathon 2004

Dear Family, Relatives and Friends,

I have since run in 2 half-marathons and 1 full-marathon. During my participation, I appreciate the cheers and encouragement received along the distance and at the finishing line from fellow runners and event volunteers.

6 days from now, I will be running my 2nd Singapore Marathon. I hereby request your support. Your support can come in the form of a simple e-mail, telephone call, SMS or a comment on this post. Better still, be at the finish line. With you lending support at the finish line, every breathe I take brings me more strides and every stride covers more distance. Your presence inspires me not to give up.

Running together with me for the 2nd year is Edwin Tan. I believe he shares the same thoughts as to my above message. Your presence is a motivation to me as much as it is to him, and his appreciation to your support is as much as mine.

Edwin and I completed the 42.195km in 5 hours 50 minutes last year. Therefore, 5 hours for this year would be achievable. Every stride we take, we discover, we reflect and we have you in mind.

Thank you for reading and for our kinship and friendship.

Yours Truly,
P. C. Wu.

The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon will be held this Sunday(5 December), starting at Esplanade Bridge at 6am and ending at The Padang until the last man comes in. Edwin and P. C. are expected to come in at between 1100am and 1115am. For the 2nd year running, close buddy, Riccardo Tan, will radiate his positive energies to all marathon finishers at the finish line. Friends who want to be part of their success can contact them directly with well wishes or to make meeting arrangement. For more information on this event, please visit

November 27, 2004

Wild Rice! presents....

ALADDIN Posted by Hello

Wild Rice! is back with a pantomime this Christmas, following the success of 2003's Cinderel-Lah! As usual, they will be poking fun at some of the issues in Singapore which have been debated inexhaustively in the Parliament, talkshows and even in the S-11 Kopi Shop near you. Their target for ALADDIN is the Singaporeans' 5Cs Dream. For the interest of non-Singaporeans and revision for Singaporeans, 5Cs stands for Cash, Car, Condo, Credit card and Country Club membership.

Are 3 wishes enough to make all 5 C’s come true? Find out in Aladdin, as this much-loved fairy tale is given a hilarious and spirited W!LD RICE Singapura-Pantomime Remix!

All right, no Hossan Leong, no Kumar, no Sheikh Haikel, no Lim Kay Siu, no Neo Swee Lin.... With so many big names missing from the cast of ALADDIN, as compared to last year's Cinderel-Lah!, a virgin to the local art scene wonders how much value could be derive from the time and money to be forgone for this pantomime. What is worse? Ivan Heng, Founder of Wild Rice!, is not the director! Seems like the sales and marketing department has a mountain to climb. To shorten the pain, ALADDIN is initially scheduled to run from 2 Dec to 19 Dec 2004 - only slightly more than 2 weeks.

It is hard to believe how a pantomime could have ended its run even before Christmas eve. But let's be some silly jabronis sometimes to reduce stress. ALADDIN is all over the papers and it will extend its run to 9 Jan 2005 - almost in time for CNY light-up in Chinatown. The sales and marketing fellows may have resorted to the wait-and-see tactic, but the fact that they changed course does shed some light on the growing strength of the smaller names, like Emma Yong, Robin Goh and Chua Enlai. Production team for his pantomime includes that of 'The Revenge of the Dim Sum Dollies'.... Selena Tan, Elaine Chan and Glen Goei.... and how big are these names? Very big. And if these are not enough, they have the Wild Kids! to spice things up.... wow, I want to "T-loan" them for my wedding.... copyright reserved BigOsmallR. With the Christmas light-up along Orchard Road becoming more and more like some sort of "going through the motion", it brings comfort to know Singaporeans now have their own pantomime to bring on the festive moods.

Talking about the Orchard Road Christmas light-up, it will be extended too, albeit geographically to Marina Bay. Oh, please, it is not the length that matters, it is the substance.

ALADDIN will be performed in Jubilee Hall, part of Raffles Hotel, opposite Bras Basah Complex, next to Raffles City Shopping Centre, diagonally facing Carlton Hotel and Chijmes...., from 2 Dec 2004 to 9 Jan 2005, except Mondays. Tickets for ALADDIN is available at all Sistic outlets (as usual~) and priced at $45 and $35. My advice is to just get the $35 tickets unless you want to see whether the magical lamp is 'Made in China'. Some of you would wonder how you should dress for a musical. You do not have to dress fancily. T-shirt and jeans is safe enough.

Are 3 wishes enough to make all 5 C's come true? Find out in ALADDIN. Check

November 12, 2004

Singapore Motorshow 2004

Arrived at Level 4 of Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre at 11.30am for the biennial Singapore Motorshow and left the exhibition at 4.20pm a highly-satisfied visitor. Having been to countless motorshows since my secondary school days (or the days when race queens only appear on TV), my visit for this exhibition is the lengthiest. You see, SM 2004 have so much to offer.... if (ideally) I have to take pictures of 70% of all exhibits of luxurious cars, concept cars and vintage models.... conduct driver's seat test on 60% of all exhibits of consumer cars.... watch adrenaline-pumping stunt performance by World No. 1 Precision Driver, Russ Swift, 2 times.... photo-taking of all the Race Queens (!!!) plus some miscellaneous exhibits and events, I will still be at the exhibtion hall, camping for the night. One need 2 days to call it an exhibition well-visited. The $10 entry fee is certainly worthy, especially when visitors are offered Nescafe.... free flow!!

Many exhibits to look at, but most of my attention is concentrated on the race queens. For your information, the appearance of race queens in local motorshow only started in the year 2000, in a japanese car show held at Expo. The previous motorshows only features cars and more cars.... which I did not find dull. In fact, back in the good old days, without even a camera to take pictures, my friend-cum-regular exhibition companion and I looked seriously at every car and take every opportunity to take the driver's sit and car-opener tests.... and brochures are must-takes. Have to say that the appearance of the race queens in motor shows has changed visitors' visiting patterns and priorities in car shows.... and now, the curves that attracts are not really that of a Ferrari or a Porsche. I would even dare conclude that many would not even be in the show, if not of the race queens.

But it is not a bad thing. On the contrary, I marvel at the appearance of race queens in car shows. If we really want to do any research on cars, we have the internet. Compared to the yesteryears, we are more updated of developments in the car-buying market with more spaces devoted to motoring on newspapers and more motoring magazines. Nowadays, we even have car dealers selling their 'wares' in pasar malams. Without the race queens, I would not see much reasons to visit a car show. These babes are not there to sell their smiles.... also, I think cars dealers are not really there to sell their cars too.... these shows are all about brand-building and changing of perceptions. Most importantly, these race queens, like bar-top dancers, make Singapore a more happening place to live in.

So I can be forgiven for my failure in all achievable tasks in the show, except photo-taking of race queens. And yes, with the introduction of a digital camera in my family, I am able to take pictures and a record number of 228... of cars and humans in 5 hours. Numbers numbers, it is my nature to choose the best of all based on numbers.... my love for statistics struck again and I am to conclude who is the best race queen. One photo I took of a race queen earns her a point and the one with the most points is the race queen of all. Individual photo and photo with me or my friends are allocated one point. If two race queens appeared in one photo, each will get 1/4 point. And they must be in the same outfit. The results and beautiful faces are uploaded below. Have a fun time oogling and reading my short comments. For all that flirting by my camera, I might have to dodge the falling axe of my missus now. I hope to see you again. (Run......)

Mazda, Ms. Girl-Next-Floor Posted by Hello

Points: 9.75. The Mazda girls only appear once every 10 minutes for about 5 minutes, compared to the others who stand at their respective stations for at least 20 minutes at a go. So everytime the "zoom-zoom-zoom" plays and they appear, they create a hype. These girls know how to pose with cars and they never stay in the same position for more than 10 seconds. That encourages me to take photos of them in different poses. Ms. Girl-Next-Floor ranks higher in terms of looks and posture than her partner, Ms. Girl-Next-Doll, and thus more photos of her.

Lexus, Ms. Elegance Posted by Hello

Points: 8.00. This is one of the most beautiful race queens in the car show on photo, only if you do not use the flash. Use it, and you will regret for the rest of your life. And please, no close-ups. High ranking consider that she does her stuff to slow music of piano.... which means she has to be as elegant a.k.a. static as possible. Everytime I put her in my camera's LCD screen, I only want to make things right. Very friendly with my camera.... never complain when I took so much picture of her.

Nissan, Ms. Bare Back Posted by Hello

Points: 8.00. I wonder how she got here. Perhaps it is her bare-back outfit. If there is a best-dressed category, she would have won. Maybe it is the good lighting that encourages me to take more photos of her. The numbers are not telling the truth.

Suzuki, Ms. Thailand Posted by Hello

Points: 8.00. If Ms. Bare-Back is a wonder, this must be a miracle. Maybe it is towards the end of my visit and I am anxious to use up all my memory in the camera. Did not pose very well in a few photos.... but made amend when tasked to station at the above car. Looks like a thai, doesn't she? Nothing much to say about her.... just very lucky.

Suzuki, Ms. Sweet Smile Posted by Hello

Points: 7.00. This is the race queen with the sweetest smile I have seen in the show. Has the face of a girl who every boys want to show their mothers. Don't put your hopes too high.... the girl is possible engaged.... click on the picture and look at the ring on her 4th finger, left hand (or should it be in which hand?). No wonder, she poses in the same position.... showing her left arm prominantly. Or maybe, she just want to stop men from pestering her. She is not available, dudes.... how heart-breaking. Just enjoy the view.

Yamaha, Ms. LiLian Posted by Hello

Points: 7.00. This race queen deserve commendation. First, posing for a motorcyle dealer.... a minority in the show. Second, posing for a stingy motorcyle dealer who don't want to spend money to design his booth. Third, posing for a stingier-than-we-thought motorcyle dealer who dress her only in T-shit and mini-skirt. This young-looking girl has come far, grabbing 7 photos from the big girls. Her strength lies in her ability to pose well with a motorbike and her "ah-lian" image. They go together. A few photos are so hot.... I can't put them here considering that this is a family blogspot. Somehow, I have this intention of cronwing her the best race queen, but the statistics tell otherwise and it is fair. Not that pretty, but goes very well with a motorbike. Looking like someone you see on the street, one has better chance of being her boyfriend.... thus the day-dreamings.

Best Teamwork goes to Subaru Race Queens. They portray a consistent image.... all of them beautiful, all of them tall, all of them friendly, all of them in same outfits and all gesture excuse me when someone interrupts the photo-taking by requesting to take a photo with them (the plank is always not there when I need it!). Possibly due to their exceptional beauty and near distance, I find it very hard to stablise my camera and am not comfortable with taking too many shots of them. Heaven must be missing some angels.

The Singapore Motorshow 2004 will be on until 21 November 2004. Visit

November 07, 2004

Mamma Mia! Here I Go Again.

My first time in Esplanade Theatre - 06 Nov 2004, MAMMA MIA!. VOULEZ-VOUS!!! Unable to tell you the exact meaning of that word.... Cannot find it inside the Times-Chambers Essential English Dictionary, the nearest "Making Difficult Words Sound Easier" book I can get my hands on. From my years of English writing (as if I am an expert), that word looks and sounds more than positive.

But the visit does not come easy.... at a time during the last couple of weeks, I thought I would never get to enter the Theatre for the next few years and never get to watch Mamma Mia! for the rest of my life. What happen? Well, my girlfriend and I mistook the date of the show and on the eve of it when I am about to have a look at the ticket and sing "I HAVE A DREAM", I had a shock of my life. The tickets were for the previous Saturday!! I cannot believe how I missed it, like an apple SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS. So hahaha, those inspirational books help. How did it happen? We initially intend to watch on a particular Saturday, but an earlier show offered better seats. Got the tickets of that earlier show, without updating our organisers of all sorts. And it is very kind of Sistic to give their customers ticket holder upon purchase to protect the tickets from rain and shine and from customers' sight and then their mind. It proved to be very 'useful'. DOES YOUR MOTHER KNOW? No, but after having this published, she may, and I will know who the hell let the cat out. So we paid those MONEY, MONEY, MONEY for a valuable lesson and another item in my business plans folio named "What I Can Do For The World?".

Without procastinating, we bought another pair of tickets. Comptemplating missing Mamma Mia! would be tougher and who would think the devil would still know what we did during OUR LAST SUMMER. Well, we almost did.... or rather, if we err for the 6 Nov show, it will purely be by my overlook. We remembered the date by heart.... I even had it displayed prominantly on my desk.... but I almost forget this: November is one of the months when I may be mobilized by my re-service unit anytime, 99.99% on weekends. At least, we can do something. S.O.S. messages were sent to the appropriate persons to get the tickets out of our hands at a loss, but to no avail. Then I thought perhaps I can give it to my girlfriend's sister. At least the seat would not be left empty and the act of giving itself can be rewarding. After much thought, I think I should just take a risk and hope there will be no mobilization. Another weekend of mine in November has been booked for revision courses.... it is either I miss the show or that part of the course, or maybe I would not miss anything. Can you tell me THE NAME OF THE GAME? Call it "THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL".

On the afternoon of 6 Nov, my girlfriend and I went to Esplanade Theatre and hope that I would not receiving an sms from my re-service unit saying, "We are UNDER ATTACK and since you are ONE OF US, you are to report to camp immediately! Remember to bring your ID tag for identification.... we have a few unidentified dead bodies here and you don't want to be one later." Of course, I am exaggerating. But again, any sms from camp would shatter my dream of watching the musical and leave me walking away like a zombie. And anyone who sees me in that state would want to sing to me, "CHIQUITITA, tell me what's wrong....". LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME, Lady Luck and yes, she did. Past 3pm and no sms, KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU (my re-service unit), I am safe.

With that, I am ready to rock to the music of Abba's DANCING QUEEN. SUPER-TROUPER, the cast of Mamma Mia! (Singapore) is. No one can be wrong with Abba's music. The acting is absolutely flawless. And the dancing makes one wonder whether they are actors, singers or dancers.... what talent. Already towards the end of their tour and they show no sign of tireness or slack due to familiarity. And the props impressed me much.... Simple yet transformative. Enjoyed the show.... I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, although for the first 45 minutes, I seem constipated with all that thoughts of mobilization. The Theory of Relativity was working.... the 2.5 hours spent in the theatre seems like 1.5. Good times always past exceptionally soon. The musical is closed with a medley of Abba's best songs that sent the audience dancing. To the cast and production team, THANK YOU FOR THE MUSICal.

This is an "Got-money-cannot-miss" musical and I highly recommended this to all my audience here. Tickets are still available and the show will be running until 3 December 2004. And that is my road to Esplanade Theatre for Mamma Mia! and all the songs featured in capital letter.... well, almost all.... WATERLOO!.... and that complete the list of songs featured in the musical. Wish you head down to sistic for the tickets and upon purchase of tickets, throw that silly ticket holder away.

November 02, 2004

Pasta Cafe @ Northpoint

1500H to 1730H

saturday and sunday
All Pasta at $9.90++
(Served with drinks or ice-cream)
PC, "Not as attractive as the weekday special below, unless your weekend lunches are late or dinners are early. Delaying tactics can be used here... order you food at 1725H, with expected serving time at 1735H. That's about 5 minutes closer to traditional dinner time. Anyway, weekend.... you will be having supper and can afford to have dinner even at 1700H. Good for high-tea if you share with a friend.... ask for side plates. To reap economies of order, order seafood pastas.... kiasuism rules, "Add pasta!".... free. For drinks, I would recommend you take the opportunity to try Pasta Cafe's Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee(Best!). The ice-cream are not that exciting.... you only have 3 flavours to choose from, but they are good for keeping stress at bay.

monday to friday, exluding public holiday
50% off Total Bill
PC, "50% off total bill in Pasta Cafe is like telling Starbucks, Mcdonalds, KFC and all Western food, or rather fried food restaurants or stalls around here to close for business during high-tea hours. This is still the best place for people to park and relax while they wait for something to happen in the late afternoon or evening. Fancied drinks will not set you back by more than $3.00 (Incl. charges and GST) and they have a large variety of iced and hot versions: COFFEEs: Italian Blend, Brazil Santos, Mocca Java, Expresso, Cappucino, Vienna, Latte.... TEAs: Earl Grey, Darjeeling, Peppermint, Camomile.... FLOATs.... CHOCOLATEs.... FRUITs.... MILK SHAKEs (6 flavours).... somebody stop me!! And ice-cream should not set you back by more than $4.50 (Incl. charges and GST): Fruit Delight, Mocha Cup, Blueberry Desire, Banana Split, Banana Fantasy.... I am going NaNaNa. After an afternoon workout, perhaps salads would be a healthier choice and if you need that carbo to reload, the pastas and gratins are at your service.... all for half the price. Rainy days, sunny days.... come to Pasta Cafe!

Promotions that excite.... what's next?

Pasta Cafe is located at Northpoint Extension, #02-22. Climb the staircases (beside GNC and Four Leaves) and look to your right. PC, "We strive to be UPRIGHT persons, so we climb UP and turn RIGHT.... and we'll end up in Pasta Cafe. The cafe look cosy but don't be shy.... you deserve that Pasta treatment!"