February 23, 2005

Share Your Joy

Some of you must be curious of the Hat-trick I am talking about. What is the hat-trick? What are the goals that I scored? And who are those people I thanked? Not surprisingly, most of you would not even care what that hat-trick is… or maybe thought I am trying to define the meaning of hat-trick. Nevertheless, I am going to explain what that hat-trick really means. However, the main purpose of this blog is to compliment my students from Sec. 1NB for sharing my joy of the hat-trick.

Remember that I sat for the final 3 papers of the ACCA examinations last December. The results have been released through email on Monday. And yes, I passed all 3. So far, all the results for my examination through emails are reliable. But I shall keep my finger crossed, in case someone tries to be funny by altering the contents of the email. It is not impossible. I worked hard throughout the 2.5 years and actually aimed to finish the course in 2 years, but I still cannot believe something so good can happen to me. So the champagne will only by “popped” after receiving the results slip.

My students of Sec. 1NB know I am waiting for my exam results and I promised to tell them when it is released. That is whether I pass or fail. The next day, approaching the end of my lesson, I got everyone quieter for me to announce the good news. I said, “…. I thought I would fail my exams, but I received the results and I passed all 3.” I thought that would be followed by some smiles, or maybe a few would even ask me why I pass, considering that I am a teacher who likes to give homework and am very demanding about their conduct in class. There will be positive people, but the most I expect is some smiles and soft yeahs.

Guess what? The moment I finished my sentence, the wonderful Sec. 1NB stood up, cheered and clapped. That was electrifying. That is very kind of them to share with me my joy and I think it is very genuine. I don’t think they are taking this chance to make some noise in class because they are always making noise in class. It feels very good to know that there are people who look up to you and people are happy for you for your success. They made my day and I think I need to thank them again here. They would not know until I tell them this blog spot on the last day of this term. This episode reminds me of the good things and good people we have in this world.

Thank You, Sec. 1 NB

I hope there will be no mistake when the results slip arrived, as usual, so that I do not disappoint anyone. I have not really started on my OBU project. Not disciplined enough. I think one of the people I want to dedicate this project is to them. They give me the drive to go all the way.

February 21, 2005

Inspiring Sunday

Went to Sim Lim Square yesterday afternoon and very coincidentally, met one of my supervisors in the Navy. Actually, he is the head of seamen. But to call him a head of department would really send him up to the sky to an equivalent aptitude as the officers (You know these people who are not always in touch with the ground). I was very surprise to meet him again so soon after our last meeting one week ago for a Chinese New Year cum Farewell Dinner for another seaman who has flew to Australia to study. The last time we met was about one year ago. Therefore, to see him again within such a short time span is much unexpected.

His Christian name is Buffer…. No, I am joking. That is a naval appointment for head of seamen and I always address him by that term. Buffer is someone who can teach people around him a thing or two. His seamanship is so polished that I suspect one day, he would be invited to write a textbook which all sailors must read during their studies. As the head of gunners, he knows the mechanics and electronics of each and every weapon onboard…. So well, that you thought he has his lunch with ST engineers everyday. His thirst for knowledge is not restricted to his area of work. He is practically a walking encyclopedia, especially when it comes to technology. And if you talk to him about the stock market, there are chances for you to walk away with some free investment advice. Even in today’s information age, he is one of the rarest people to have around. His appearance can be deceiving though and that makes him such an interesting character.

Seeing him there reminds me that he is a very technology-savvy person. We window-shopped together and talked about the things we saw. Listening to his introduction on the gadgets we came across made me feel like someone from the Three-Kingdoms Period who just rode a time machine to 2005. Not that bad…. Maybe someone who is still using 386 or 486 processor. His superiority and my ignorance in this area do not put me down a bit, but what he is going to say later inspires me…. Or maybe, wakes me. He told me why his interest lies in technology and that is because technology is something that is changing constantly. Well, everything changes but the rate of change in technology is beyond contestation. So by learning and keeping up with technology, his mind is always engaged and not left to idle. One thing he never says is that one can harness the power of technology to gain some advantage. Look, this is someone who is learning as a means to an end…. That is almost unfound of today and that is inspiring. Nowadays, most people only learn when it can help them gain employment or promotion, earn more money. Maybe he forgets to say…. I don’t think so.

His words allow me to re-assess myself. This is someone who is so curious about the world and actively acquiring knowledge as if he is born yesterday (So you know if someone tells you that you are born yesterday, it is not a bad thing) and looking at myself… I would think that I am someone who learns only when the knowledge is required. That is my learning characteristic. There are 4 types of learning characteristics. I thought it is time I change my characteristic and start appreciating the world.

His words still ring and my mind still reflects after we parted ways.

When you score 3 goals, you score a ....


Special thanks to Saminathan, Jacky Brabon, Rhys Johnson, Edwin Ee, Kweh Soon Han, Lim Siok Poh, Helena Johnson and Amanda Line.

February 20, 2005

"The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting things to change"
- Popular Saying

February 16, 2005


Referring to my blog entry on New Year’s Day (“Remembering my Sri Lankan Maid”), I mentioned that I am going to gather some money to help the Tsunamis victims, especially those from Sri Lanka.

The fact is I have not done so due to the lack of finance after staying unemployed for at least 2 months. The effect of my unemployment has been underestimated. However, the delay in donating may well be a blessing for many people who need help locally. As we know, millions and millions of dollars have been contributed by many people and organisations around the world to aid nation-rebuilding in affected countries. As such, there is donation-fatigue among the donors for their home charities. This is true for our local charities.

Knowing that there are cries at home, I would therefore contribute that little money which was intended for tsunamis victims to the local charities. Most of these would be allocated to charities which are organising their Flag Days over the next one or two months. I hope after the one or two months, the fatigue would have been overcome and people will start donating to local charities again.

Do be informed that the allocated small sum of money is NOT going to any foreign countries.