February 16, 2005


Referring to my blog entry on New Year’s Day (“Remembering my Sri Lankan Maid”), I mentioned that I am going to gather some money to help the Tsunamis victims, especially those from Sri Lanka.

The fact is I have not done so due to the lack of finance after staying unemployed for at least 2 months. The effect of my unemployment has been underestimated. However, the delay in donating may well be a blessing for many people who need help locally. As we know, millions and millions of dollars have been contributed by many people and organisations around the world to aid nation-rebuilding in affected countries. As such, there is donation-fatigue among the donors for their home charities. This is true for our local charities.

Knowing that there are cries at home, I would therefore contribute that little money which was intended for tsunamis victims to the local charities. Most of these would be allocated to charities which are organising their Flag Days over the next one or two months. I hope after the one or two months, the fatigue would have been overcome and people will start donating to local charities again.

Do be informed that the allocated small sum of money is NOT going to any foreign countries.

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