July 04, 2005

A Chair-pisode

Yesterday, while attending a seminar, I witnessed a not-so-pleasant incident. To protect the identity of the people involved, their real names will not be disclosed. This is also because I don’t know them at all.

The seminar is about Geomancy (More affectionately known as Feng Shui), one of my subject of interest, delivered by a reputed Architect of Man’s Fate (More affectionately known as Feng Shui Master). Due to the relevance of the topic discussed, turnout for this seminar was overwhelmingly above the organizer’s expectation. A lot of attendees arrived on the door, without first registering for a seat. Although more seats are added, some of them have to make do with a good standing spot, even for those who registered but arrived late.

As with most seminars I attended which last more than 3 hours, a coffee break is allocated in between, no matter how unnecessary it is. Is this a requirement by the law? Someone can enlighten me about this. Anyway, a break, so unwelcome by me, is announced. Under such circumstances, I thought there would be misunderstandings, giving raise to commotion. The organizer was vigilant in this aspect and advised the audience to return to their own seat after the coffee break.

Much as I expected, there were a few misunderstandings and commotion. But the most serious one took place two seats away from me. Two seats, that are two seats away from me, were initially occupied by two males (Settlers) who are friends. However, during the break, while they are away, two ladies (Conquerers) took over their seats. Although I am on my seat at the time of conquest, I am not aware that they are not the rightful settlers. My neighbours, who were aware, came back and verified (after some DNA tests) that the two ladies are not the rightful settlers. Soon after, one of the settlers returned to his shock that his seat was conquered. In an unfriendly manner, he asked the conquerors to return to their original seats. The conquerors declined. At this point, it is quite obvious that they do not have a seat when the seminar started. Then, this man remained beside their seats, trying to reassert his rights, oblivious to the embarrassment he had created for himself. Moments later, his friend returned to the same level of shock that he will have to stand for the next half of the seminar. The volume of their negotiation raised and at this time, three attendees (onlookers) in front of the seats advised that the conquerors should return to their own seats (where?). The same was done by my neighbours (onlookers too). The organizer were alarmed and, I believe, all eyes were on them. The conquerors refused to leave… there is no way for them to give way.

The conquerors’ stubbornness was a turnoff. It was then free-for-all for the onlookers who passed some sarcastic remarks like, “Since they don’t feel ashamed, let them sit lor.”and “You do this type of thing… listening to the talk won’t do you good one.”. At that point, I thought about the purpose of these statements. The organizer then offered the two men seats in front, which they rejected. The wife of one of the men came and asked the conquerors why they occupied her husband’s seat. If I had covered my ears and just look, I would have thought that this wife is telling off these ladies for committing adultery with her husband. Eventually, everyone was seated. At the end of the seminar, the two ladies stormed out of the room.

Up to here, you may deduct (add, multiply or divide) that I am more not in favour of the men’s and onlookers’ actions. Before I go further. What are your views? Who is right? Who is wrong? What are other things that can be done? What could have been done? In this episode, I have only my mind in action. Is there anything I can do at any stage? Is there anything anyone can do at any stage?


Unknown said...

The Conqueror have taken the sit by forceful means and when the settler were less aware of it. If I was there, I will probably just look on and wait for the United Nation to move in...

Anonymous said...

The two ladies (let me guess, aunties right?) are definately in the wrong! My god, the women of yesteryear have been fighting for equality, and these two prisses demand their right to a seat even when it is clearly not theirs? The organisers should've just removed the two ladies by force (call police if security no balls) as they are definately in the wrong. Obviously, as ball-less Singaporean onlookers ourselves, we won't have the guts or we dont bother to do anything if the seats are none of our concern, and our comfort is not compromised.

IF however, we were the settlers who were "conquered", we would kick up a fuss just like the men and the wife did. It's just typical Singaporean mentality.

Yuhui said...

Maybe the settlers should've just settled into the conquerors' laps...

Unknown said...

OI!!! You have just been tommorrowed!!! http://tomorrow.sg/archives/2005/07/07/the_chair-pidsode.html