September 30, 2004

Foreign Maids

Watched yesterday's evening news and the report about an Indonesian maid sentenced to life imprisonment for killing her employer's mother-in-law caught my attention. Last week, we have another maid sentenced to the same punishment for almost the same crime. I would say such happenings are not unexpected considering that we are ranked highly for being lousy foreign maid employers. What shocks me ,as the news is telecasted, is the response of the victim's son when asked how he feel about the punishment. If I am right, he said something like this,"We already know she won't die because she is under 18 at that time.... (Shaking his head and making a sound as if to say their desire to have her dead is not fulfilled).....". At first thought.... how can he have such thoughts. I admired his honesty on national TV though. But after further "analysis", it is understandable. It may not be a thirst for revenge, but rather, the unfairness (as he perceived) that she is getting away with the wrongdoing.... and she is appealing!! I thought the verdict is fair.... after knowing that she appealed (a.k.a. unwilling to accept consequence of her actions), I have less sympathy for her circumstances.

However, in my opinion, some (or more) fingers should be pointed at the employers, even if they are victims to some extent, as in the above cases. For the maid, what are the purposes of coming to a foreign land to work? Certainly not to commit some wrongdoings, get oneself in jail and thus no money to send home for their families. Some employers may like to say that they are not trained and too defient to be trained.... I got no idea how they conclude that their maid are supposed to be well-trained. If they are too defient, just send them back. These maid are young, less educated and basically alone in a different environment and culture. Employers in bringing them in for their service have every responsibility to take care or take charge of their well-being like their parents or older siblings. So potentially, if anything goes wrong, the one in charge must have been negligent in carrying out his/her responsibility. Or worse.... abusive behaviors.... I think that relevant errant employer can save legal fees and taxpayers' money and face the music as attentively as they listen to a seminar on "How Be A Millionaire??". Again, remember that if we have a lousy boss, we only face them (the most) 8 hours a day, 5 times a week. For maids, they are under the same roof with their employers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Preventable, but not prevented.... just a casual remark.

Needless to say (but I am still saying), most of the employers and maids do have happy working relationships.... but no one can deny that the statistics can be better. And just as the population is getting greyer, the foreign maid levy being decreased and more foreign maids are expected here, it is becoming more important for potential employers to ask themselves how professional and ethical are they as foreign maid employers. And if something like this happen again, news centre may reserve more space for the photos of the employers.

Please feel free to give your comments.

September 28, 2004

Dragon Splitting Into Singapore River

Posted by Hello

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all readers of Eliwupc's World!

For me, this year's celebration will be with my girlfriend on the hill beside Sembawang Town Council/Yishun Library.... more affectionately known as Lovers' Hill. This would be the 3rd year in a row we are celebrating there by hanging two rows of traditional paper lanterns between two trees. Such exhibit do draw praises from passers-by and negative comments from people who seems to be dissent that they are not the creators of such beautiful sight. Since starting this way of celebration, I have this thought of encouraging those who stop to admire the lanterns to do this too next year, or ,better, to make their own giant lanterns to display (Mainly for the older folks who are not working).... no prizes, no sponsors..... just start doing things for ourselves. Or maybe children can make their own lantern to display.... this will promote a closer relationship between the child and his family who help him out and prevent them from celebrating by burning candles, rubbish and anything burnable or throwing burning sparkles when they grow older.

Maybe I will start talking to admirers of our creations later this evening. And that reminds me to bring a few long sticks later to give out a few lanterns to 3 or 4 years old children who does not have a lantern in hand. Please don't rain.

P.C.@AHM 04' "RAW!!"

This is taken about 20m away from the finish line when my legs were telling me that I need to stop finish line or not. Great job, P.C.!
Posted by Hello

September 26, 2004

Keep on Running.... Keep on Running.

Woke up to a brand new day while most of Singapore are still in their dreams.... it feels good to have a headstart. But the purpose of waking up earlier this morning, as you know, is for the Army Half Marathon 2004. I have a friend who also ran the 21km.... Mr. Riccardo Tan (picture below), my primary and secondary classmate, now a regular with the Air Force. However, we ran for different categories and started at different time. With so many runners, it is difficult to take note of each other and run side-by-side and possibly cross the finish line together. It does bring comfort, thought, to have a friend to go for the run together, running that same distance and that same route.... and then meeting up at the end point to congratulate each other.
Posted by Hello

My aim of not slowing down to walk is achieved, but that does not contribute to a faster timing (which I thought would). In fact, I completed the run in 2hr 29 minutes.... about 15 minutes slower than my first AHM last year. Riccardo ran better and finished in 2 hrs 23 minutes which is reasonably well for a first-timer. Congratulations again, mate!

I couldn't say whether this year's run or last year's is more difficult.... Last year, while I finished sooner, I walked quite a distance. and this year, while I finished later, I am able to muster some strength to keep running or jogging. I think I have such thoughts last year.... Towards the 5km mark, I was asking myself, "Why the hell am I putting myself through this?". At the 8km mark, 50th minute, I thought of how I am going to handle Singapore Marathon later this year and why the hell did I sign for that. But after that, it was all "Keep running! Keep running!" And really this reflects how most of us react when doing something new or not normally done.... initially, it could be painful.... adapting, learning. Although some of us can handle this well, it is human nature to find this process unbearable.... With patience and persistence, all these can be conquered and goals be achieved. You heard of this somewhere, didn't you.... but to experience it before any important opportunity walks out of your door is such a privilige.

Up next would be the Johor-Singapore 2nd Link Bridge Run. This time, it will be a fun run just to admire the scenery of the 2nd Link and introduce my girlfriend to long-distance running. If time allows, Singapore tallest vertical marathon at 73-storey Swissotel The Stamford, Southeast Asia's tallest hotel, would be next. If not, it will be the Singapore Marathon to summarise the fruitful year.

September 25, 2004

Pre-run message

For the first time in a long time, I will run in the early morning. For the first time in a long time, I will witness how fast I can go. Hello people from the Army, Air Force and Navy, my number tag is A548. Keep running.... Follow me.

Romantic Camera

Do not mention about all the benefits of a digital camera. We just love this gadget because it gives us instant results.... we can review our picture instantly and print it instantly with a portable photo printer. We know exactly what we are supposed to do next, on the spot, for a nice picture. No need to guess, no need to wait. Also, the increased capabilities and functions means most trigger-happy users do not really need to connect with the subject to capture its essence. With these, we bid farewell to the romantic element of photography.

Posted by Hello

Manual film cameras - We will be back.... At least on the hands of P. C. Wu.

September 23, 2004

Ranchus for Adoption?

Posted by Hello

I actually wanted to post this message as an invitation for you to adopt 3 of my ranchus. My 30cm fish tank is becoming too small for 2 medium-sized ranchus, 5 growing ranchus and 1 small red-headed oranda.

The 3 ranchus I am putting up for adoption are growing bigger, taking up more space and might pose a threat to its smaller kind. Potential owners would have to be someone who has my handphone number and pledge to adhere to stringent requirements. However, after typing the first two lines of my messages, I decide not to invite.

After being introduced into the house for 3 or 4 months, I have treated them as if they are parentless children which I adopted. I would be very proud to present them as gift to someone, but that someone may not have the time to maintain their living environment. And they being fishes of little monetary value are easy to take granted of.

Anyway, since I have uploaded the picture, I might as well not delete it and let you have a look. The water has just been changed.... this is done once every 6-7 days.

September 21, 2004

Racing Colours - Sheares Bridge Run & Army Half Marathon 2004

This will be my racing outfits for the half-marathon held this Sunday, starting at The Esplanade and ending at The Padang: Unbranded event running singlet and Asics running shorts.

I have initially wanted to have an Asics running singlet as my top for its good brand and not-too-expensive price. However, a delay in purchase and late notice of the Asics clearance sales left me with odd sizes for my money. It is a blessing in disguise I supposed since I already seen some runners wearing that same design during the Nike Real Run.

Earlier on, I have bought an FBT white singlet to complement my FBT black shorts. And with the non-availability of Asics, it is almost certain that I would wear these FBT outfits, which are intended for training runs. This is provided the AHM Running Expo, the pre-run event where runners will collect their number tags and event kits, has nothing to offer. This unbranded event running singlet caught my eyes during the Expo and I made it mine as a momento. But with such good quality and simple design, the FBTs will remain as training outfits for now.

As expected, I will be wearing my best running shoes ever, Asics Cumulus, for the run. This pair of shoes only arrived early enough for the Singapore Marathon in Dec 2003 and that means it will be her first run for this event.

For 4D yuppies, you may want to place a bet on my number tag. I do not know how you are going to make it into four digits, since it has only three digits. This applies to those who feel lucky too. If you lose, do not send me the tickets for claims. If you win, do not forget the charities.

In view of my lack of preparation, I have set no quantifiable target for this run. This is also to lessen the burden of my audience who really want to bet on my number tag. I walked a couple of times last year.... so possibly my target this year is just to keep running.

Log on this Sunday afternoon for the results of my run.

September 17, 2004

The World's No.1 Musical Is In Town!!!!

Learnt of this musical when my father bought the ABBA GOLD Greatest Hits CD about 4 years ago. At that time, it was a new musical, but I have this feeling that it will be a hit.

First, it is based on the songs of ABBA... and ABBA as you know has a huge fan base, "tall fan structure". I mean... not only are their admirers spreaded across the world, people of all ages enjoy their music. No rationale admirer would want to miss the chance to watch a musical which only perform their favourite songs of their favourite band.

And then it is their music, clear singing and simple lyrics. Music... serious musical audiences seek enrichment for the soul or widening of their minds, but most audiences are like me and you who really just want to feel happy after a show... and ABBA music are happy music. Clear singing and simple lyrics are a must for musicals. Remember that musicals are mind widener, not brain teaser. It is unnecessary to take attention away from the good acting by requesting audience to decipher what the actors are singing about. Their songs are meant to be chart-toppers, but it seems their songs are written for a musical.... they were chart-toppers and now it is performed in a musical.

I could remember clearly that "Money, Money, Money" was performed by the Music, Dance and Drama Club of my secondary school in a concert. One of my best friends in school was the main performer and she sing and throw "money" in the air. I enjoyed the performance by the club... my eyes were just glued to the stage... I think I wouldn't even know if someone throw something into my mouth. Well, nobody did it.... that means even the most restless of students are enjoying the show.

Therefore, it comes to no surprise that Mamma Mia! has became the No.1 musical in the world.... not stated in their publicity brochure, I read it off an article in The Straits Times. What is more surprising to me is the fact that they are coming to perform in Singapore.

At that time I came to know of Mamma Mia!, it was performed at Prince Edward Theatre in London. I thought there is not much chance for me to watch this musical. And throughout the following years, Mamma Mia! is just something that exists in this world and a musical that I would catch if I have the chance to go for a holiday to London. I forgot that performing groups also need to earn money and they do travel around the world like The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserable (Did I spell it wrong?), etc. Imagine the joy when I read from Life!, about half a year ago, that Mamma Mia! is coming to Singapore.... dates of their performance and ticket sales went straight to my organiser.

And today is only less than one week before their first performance in Singapore kicks off.... that is 21 September 2004, with their last show on 24 October 2004. If you have not been to the Esplanade Theatre... make your first time with Mamma Mia!. I have checked with SISTIC and tickets are still available.... certainly not the best seats, but comfortable enough for you to enjoy the whole show. Songs that will be featured includes "Dancing Queen", "I Have A Dream", "Mamma Mia", "Money, Money, Money", "Take A Chance On Me"and "Thank You For the Music". Log on to for more information and discounts you may enjoy.

I will only get to watch it towards the end of their tour in Singapore and by the time my review is published (if there is one), their tour may have ended. I hope I have written enough to convince you that this is a smart bet.... such experience can rarely be bought with money. Don't miss the opportunity.

Welcome, students of ADSS.

Hello, there!

I have since only told one class from ADSS of my blogspot and if one of you from Sec 1e1 is reading this, do drop a line. Is it Sec 1e1? Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Anyway, you seems to enjoy ghost stories. Quite shamefully, being a loyal supporter of True Singapore Ghost Stories during my younger years, I am not able to replicate any of the stories to you. Being touched by the decent level of energy and enthuasism during my one period with you, I have since got a few good ghost stories standby to share with you (if I have the opportunity). But, it cannot always be ghost stories with me... we have more interesting things in this world to learn and talk about.
Something for you:
"Better to be prepared for an opportunity,
than to have an opportunity and not prepared".
The statement could sound passive. Do bear in mind that some opportunities are created.
Enjoy your time in school!

Mr. Wu P. C.

September 15, 2004

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2004

Completing last year's Singapore Marathon in 5 hours and 50 minutes, which (for your information) is not a very good timing, I am back with a vengence. This is my first announcement to all of you....."P. C. Wu is in the race!!!!" (Cheers).

There has never been any doubt that I will run again this year, even though I will be facing a more important "marathon" very soon after the Singapore Marathon 2004, which is set to take place on Sunday, 5 December 2004. That is the Core Papers a.k.a. Final 3 papers a.k.a. "Cannot afford to get low marks type of" papers of the ACCA Examinations. 3 days in a row, 3 hours per paper.... makes me think of the Imperial Examinations of Ancient China. The decision is also made at a time when I am involved in professional work in an audit firm, which sometimes left only enough brain cells for me to know how to find my way home after a day's work.... and I am expecting myself to be with the firm for at least the next 1 year. Yes, I am not with the firm anymore, for good reasons other than running (Not so obvious, given the title of our topic.... may talk about it next time).

I cannot remember exactly when my passion for running started. Back when the Singapore Marathon is sponsored by ExxonMobil, I have intention to take part. That is the furthest I can trace back to. Serious training and diet regime only started last year in July when I am set to take part in the Singapore Marathon. And all those training runs and competitions since then has only done me good.

You can explore the benefits of running.... why not start with the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2004? Join Class 95 Dj Glenn Ong at the Raffles Place Roadshow this Friday (17 September 2004) to find out more about the race and sign up for one. Other than the marathon, you can choose to run the half-marathon or 10 km run. Be the first 200 to sign up to receive an exclusive event souvenir. The normal registration period is still on till 30 September 2004. From 1 October 2004 to 17 November 2004, higher registration fee will prevail. Registration closes on 17 November 2004. For more information, you can log on to

The Army Half Marathon 2004 will be held on 26 September 2004 and I will be running as part of preparation for the Singapore Marathon. The race pack will be collected this Saturday and very soon after, I will announce my racing colours for AHM 2004. Until then, good-night!

"The Miracle Is Not That I Complete.
It Is That I Have The Courage To Start."