September 17, 2004

Welcome, students of ADSS.

Hello, there!

I have since only told one class from ADSS of my blogspot and if one of you from Sec 1e1 is reading this, do drop a line. Is it Sec 1e1? Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Anyway, you seems to enjoy ghost stories. Quite shamefully, being a loyal supporter of True Singapore Ghost Stories during my younger years, I am not able to replicate any of the stories to you. Being touched by the decent level of energy and enthuasism during my one period with you, I have since got a few good ghost stories standby to share with you (if I have the opportunity). But, it cannot always be ghost stories with me... we have more interesting things in this world to learn and talk about.
Something for you:
"Better to be prepared for an opportunity,
than to have an opportunity and not prepared".
The statement could sound passive. Do bear in mind that some opportunities are created.
Enjoy your time in school!

Mr. Wu P. C.

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