October 25, 2004

I served in the Republic of Singapore Navy

"I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.'"

President John F. Kennedy, 1 August 1963, in Bancroft Hall at the U. S. Naval Academy.

October 23, 2004

Thinking Aloud

" 'Consider these two stories. Which is closer to yours? You wake up everyday and work from Monday to Friday, and often Saturday too. If you finish your work early, you and your partner go to your parents' place for dinner and see your children for a few hours. If you work late, you buy a packet of char kway teow from the hawker centre... You're not crazy about your job but you know that if you keep it, you can afford a car in three years' time and, in five years' time, buy a condo. Your conversations with people are either for the purpose of networking, work or for familial obligations you cannot avoid. On weekends, you play golf with your friends at your country club or watch a movie with your partner. Once a year, you go on a 10-day vacation to New York, London or Paris.

Alternatively, you wake up and you have no idea what is going to happen today, tomorrow, six months or a year later. Ironically, because of this uncertainty, all possibilities exist for you. You can be prime minister of Singapore, you can make a movie, you can cook a meal you have never cooked before... you can skip instead of walk. You have conversations with people who set your heart palpitating and your mind on fire. Your weekday is no different from your weekend because everyday you are thinking, creating and, more important, imagining.

Most of us recognise the first story and its pursuit of the five C's.... It is the Plan, which imposes a conculsion on you, and you work in order to make all the pieces fit... A Dream, on the other hand, carries you on its wings to worlds that your heart and mind have never known.' "

The above is adapted from from 'Thinking Allowed? politics, fear and change in Singapore' by Warren Fernandez (without prior permission, as usual). The book is a collection of essays drawn from the 'Thinking Aloud' columns on Singapore politics and society published in The Straits Times. These essays delve into the recurrent themes and issues that Singaporeans have been grappling with over the years, and are likely to do so for a long time to come.

'Thinking Allowed?' and other books discussing the issues of Singapore are available in all major bookstores and the National Library. Searching for the particular book you want to borrow has never been easier since donkey years ago. Just log on to eLibraryHub (www.elibraryhub.com), sign up as a member for free and start looking for the book you want. Reserve it at a nominal fee and have it collected at any library convenient for you.

Reminder: First-time voters, we soon will be. In the meantime, think aloud on the above adaptation or adaption, whatever you call it.

October 22, 2004

SGX Bullrun 2004

I can't be late for work again!!?!
"Fun Run" Category.

Looks like your boss is late too?
"Big Boss" Category.

October 19, 2004


Here we go, here we go now

I saw a boy today
Could tell from what he say
He was a liar
He walks a wire
I tried to make him see
That this was not the way
Of getting higher
And then he turned away, so I say hear me now
Just understand, don't get me wrong
You got to live your life, live it right,
Or you'll go back to the end of the line

Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go
Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go
Higher move along, higher get off the ground
Higher lift it up, higher

There is a girl I know
And everyplace she'd go she'd take your money
Think it was funny
She'd like to get her way, she never likes to pay
The law would chase her
But she just run away, so I say hear me now
Just understand, don't get me wrong
You got to live your life, live it right,
Or you'll go back to the end of the line

Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go
Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go
Higher move along, higher get of the ground
Higher lift it up, higher here we go, here we go now

I got a friend who lives on all the love he gives
When he retires, he's going higher
One thing I know is true, that everything you do
Will come back to you, don't let it fool you
And I say hear me now
Just understand, don't get me wrong
You got to live your life, and live it right,
Or you'll go back to the end of the line
Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go
Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go
Higher move along, higher get of the ground
Higher lift it up, higher here we go, here we go now

October 18, 2004

Wedding of R & L (Part II)

The celebration reached its climax with a banquent at Qian Xi Restaurant, near Paya Lebar MRT Station. More brothers.... more friends.... more relatives.... hundreds and hundreds of guests arrived to convey their well-wishes to the newly-wed. As with other weddings, we have the usual Cake-Cutting Ceremony, Champagne Pouring Ceremony, Yam Seng Ceremony.... and even late-comers!! There is no indication of adventure until the karaoke set is brought out.

Guessed it is the hosts' intention to keep their guests entertained. I do find it rather adventurous (even if it is a norm nowadays).... or maybe, risky would be a better word. The risk of having bad singers on stage is high, although most of us would admire their courage. And then, there is a risk of them not singing the right songs for the occasion. A senior sang the song about Ficus (a type of tree).... maybe R & L knew each other under a ficus.... another sang about wild birds.... now, I really cannot make any association. Just as everyone start to search their invitations to check whether they are at the right event.... our very own Ric dished out not one but two loves songs "How Deep Is Your Love" and "Oh, Carol" and 're-assured' everyone that it is a wedding celebration. Save the day, he did. And he did it a second time by singing two more songs "The Moon Represents My Heart" and an English song. Four songs.... that made him the top singer of the night. Ric did urged me to get on stage.... maybe he seen my earlier blog.... "If you have been more persistent, I may give myself a go". Sometimes, I can be a bit passive, but once I get in the mood, it's party time!

Perhaps the most touching moment of the whole celebration came at the end of the banquent when Renhan's father, visibly drunk at that time, hugged Renhan's grandmother and cried uncontrollably. Some people say I can write well.... but I got no idea how to describe or explain such joy in words. When you want to share a joy with someone special and that someone is there to share, "you'll feel so high.... you'll be crying". Something like this. The sight makes me think of my grandparents, especially my maternal grandparents. There are and will be so many joys in my life I thought they would live long enough to celebrate. Isn't that everybody's dream?

With that, I will end my coverage of R & L wedding and look forward to more celebrations of theirs.

October 17, 2004

Wedding of R & L (Part 1)

The day started early for Renhan and his team of brothers (Very honoured to be part of it).... especially after a night of pre-celebration activity. Now, the pre-celebration activity first.... I have expected a wild night for someone living his last hours as a bachalor. Who knows what freezes a party animal at night? Renhan seems to only have his thoughts on Liting and their wedding celebration. OK, he was the driver. And so, the people who enjoyed the most are his brothers. Yes, they were drunk, but Brothers of the 9 Dragon Clan never fail to rise to the occasion.... looking smart and sharp, nobody would have thought what drunken heads they were the night before.

The brothers were mustered at the stipulated time at Renhan's house and they set off soon after to escort Liting back to Yishun for tea ceremony. And this is when the brothers will be on task to deal with Liting's team of sisters. The scene may sound familiar.... a group of fighting men on guard while entering a cave to kill a monster, only to find nothing upon entry. We were like them.... just very strange how we were not stopped at the entrance. Perhaps I watched too much "Entry Ceremony" on TV. The girls were in Liting's room and they mean business. But nothing stops Renhan's determination, he entered the room eventually, much to Liting's delight. After a few more procedures, we were back in the cars.... heading back to Renhan's house for tea ceremony.

In the meantime, a crowd of relatives had gathered at Renhan's house.... all anxious to have a look at the newly-wed.... with the more senior ones looking forward to drink the tea they were going to present. At the same time, a buffet banquent had already been set up for the guests' enjoyment. The transquil of a working day welcome the noise of celebration, like a long-sailing ship rejoice the sight of land.... for a moment, I thought it was Saturday.... I believe it was so for many people around the neighbourhood.

The brothers, except driver Ric and Andy, were relieved of their duties after the buffet lunch. For R & L (tired of typing the names), the celebration continues.... "See you later, Renhan!". What a good start to the union that would last a lifetime. The last times I was so actively involved in a wedding was during my aunts' weddings.... the door-opener of the bridegroom's car.... my cuteness and handsomeness was already evident at that time. :P

October 14, 2004

Heartiest Congrats to
Kho Renhan and Tan Liting
for their registration of marriage on 13 Oct 2004
and wedding celebration on 15 Oct 2004.
"Wish You Everlasting Bliss And Happiness."

October 13, 2004

When Will I See The Lights Again?

Today might very well be my last day in ADSS. Only yesterday, I have kept my options open, following a great time with 1E2. After a night's sleep, I am back on earth. I would not say that a decision has been made but circumstances are more in favour of me not going back to any school for relief teaching for the rest of the semester. Fair to my everything I will always be.... however, relief teaching are mostly done at the expense of my studies.... which ironically is ranked highly on my achievements list for 2004.

I believe the post-exam activities that I thought of conducting in classes are going to be very interesting, with students remembering the happy moments for a long time. And it is going to be enjoyable for me too. But again, I am a relief teacher.... and will not be with them through to their crucial 'O' or 'N' Levels exams. These games, quizzes.... build bonds, break walls and really, it is vital for their own teachers to conduct these activities.... they certainly have more ideas than me. After working hard with the students for one year, these are breathers for both parties. So I am not very keen at substituting the teachers during these precious moments. However, if circumstances have improved and the school need my service, I would not say no.... if the school need help, means the school need help. Just hope that teachers are all healthy and course-free during the post-exam period.

My one month in ADSS has been an eye-opener. I used to think teaching is an easy job.... as in a teacher only works for half a day, get to enjoy at least 50% of 12 weeks of school holidays, etc. Actually.... lessons need to be prepared, syllabus need to be planned, marking is tedious and annoying sometimes, courses take away time with the family and friends, poor performance by students requires explanation and action, counselling for troubled students, remedial classes for weaker one. On top of these, there are CCAs to be in charge of. Meetings, special events, secondary duties in school.... the list goes on. The job is of course satisfying, but none the less easy.

My one month would not been so enriching if not of the teachers. Like to express gratitude to HOD Science for inviting me to his class to observe how he engage his students and the few teachers who "interrupted" me during my lesson.... everytime they speak, I learn something. Must not forget the students too, because without them, a school is only an office for teachers. They make it a learning hub.

All good things must come to an end, permanently or temporarily. I look forward to seeing the Guiding Lights again. For now, let me wish them a successful final year exams and happy holidays ahead.

October 12, 2004

Singing Teachers

I remember one of my physics lecturers in junior college, Mr. Loo, who sang a song written by himself about himself during lecture to get us inspired and motivated to do well for the A levels exams. That performance generated so much attention, laughter and cheers.... really, not many of us know of any teacher who would sing during lesson, especially when we are expecting all the "chiminologies" to be thrown on our faces. Knowing how interested we are at his singing, he promised to sing a song during each remedial lesson which students have an option not to attend.

This morning, I replicated his feat with 1E2, albeit not under similar mood and atmosphere. Mr. Loo did his stuff while all of us were on guard with our pens and lecture pads. Sec 1E2 already knew they are going to have a stress-relieving, enjoyable 2 periods with me for General Knowledge Quiz which I spent about one hour plus to prepare.... that is after 2 periods of solid, self-revision (Solid right, 1E2?). However, none would expect any special performance.... and that obviously came as a pleasant surprise. Well, I cannot sing for no reason. One of the questions in the quiz is about the Yellow Ribbon Project and I offered bonus points for the team who knows how to sing the song which inspires this project. The song is "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree" by Dawn. I am prepared to sing and introduce this song which I like since all the students are still babies when I first listen to the song.... having the Sec.1 P.C. Wu listening to oldies is unusual enough, it may well be a rediscovery of the dodo to find a Sec 1 student in 2004 who knows of this song. Anyway, even if a student knows and dare to sing aloud, I would still want to sing it.... because it is rare, it is rediscovery of the dinosaurs and it makes them happy. And I just feel like a Singapore Idol when they cheered.

That is certainly one of my finest hours with the students and I am reconsidering my option to stop relief teaching until next year to prepare for my December exams.... when I know there can be so much fun in school with the worries of examination temporary behind the students' mind. During the assembly when students were singing the 3 inspirational songs, there is hint of a Singapore Idol-like competition by the teacher in charge.... Now, how about having the teachers as guest performers?

October 07, 2004

Songs that Inspire

The Power of Dream by Celine Dion
"The power of the dream
The faith in things unseen
The courage to embrace your fear
No matter where you are
To reach for your own star
To realize the power of the dream"

If We Hold On Together by Diana Ross
"Don't lose your way
With each passing day
You've come so far
Don't throw it away
Live believing
Dreams are for weaving
Wonders are waiting to start
Live your story
Faith, hope & glory
Hold to the truth in your heart"

I Believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly
'If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly

I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly"

October 06, 2004

"I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast for I intend to go in harm's way."

Captain John Paul Jones, 16 November 1778, in a letter to le Ray de Chaumont.