October 12, 2004

Singing Teachers

I remember one of my physics lecturers in junior college, Mr. Loo, who sang a song written by himself about himself during lecture to get us inspired and motivated to do well for the A levels exams. That performance generated so much attention, laughter and cheers.... really, not many of us know of any teacher who would sing during lesson, especially when we are expecting all the "chiminologies" to be thrown on our faces. Knowing how interested we are at his singing, he promised to sing a song during each remedial lesson which students have an option not to attend.

This morning, I replicated his feat with 1E2, albeit not under similar mood and atmosphere. Mr. Loo did his stuff while all of us were on guard with our pens and lecture pads. Sec 1E2 already knew they are going to have a stress-relieving, enjoyable 2 periods with me for General Knowledge Quiz which I spent about one hour plus to prepare.... that is after 2 periods of solid, self-revision (Solid right, 1E2?). However, none would expect any special performance.... and that obviously came as a pleasant surprise. Well, I cannot sing for no reason. One of the questions in the quiz is about the Yellow Ribbon Project and I offered bonus points for the team who knows how to sing the song which inspires this project. The song is "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree" by Dawn. I am prepared to sing and introduce this song which I like since all the students are still babies when I first listen to the song.... having the Sec.1 P.C. Wu listening to oldies is unusual enough, it may well be a rediscovery of the dodo to find a Sec 1 student in 2004 who knows of this song. Anyway, even if a student knows and dare to sing aloud, I would still want to sing it.... because it is rare, it is rediscovery of the dinosaurs and it makes them happy. And I just feel like a Singapore Idol when they cheered.

That is certainly one of my finest hours with the students and I am reconsidering my option to stop relief teaching until next year to prepare for my December exams.... when I know there can be so much fun in school with the worries of examination temporary behind the students' mind. During the assembly when students were singing the 3 inspirational songs, there is hint of a Singapore Idol-like competition by the teacher in charge.... Now, how about having the teachers as guest performers?

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