February 23, 2005

Share Your Joy

Some of you must be curious of the Hat-trick I am talking about. What is the hat-trick? What are the goals that I scored? And who are those people I thanked? Not surprisingly, most of you would not even care what that hat-trick is… or maybe thought I am trying to define the meaning of hat-trick. Nevertheless, I am going to explain what that hat-trick really means. However, the main purpose of this blog is to compliment my students from Sec. 1NB for sharing my joy of the hat-trick.

Remember that I sat for the final 3 papers of the ACCA examinations last December. The results have been released through email on Monday. And yes, I passed all 3. So far, all the results for my examination through emails are reliable. But I shall keep my finger crossed, in case someone tries to be funny by altering the contents of the email. It is not impossible. I worked hard throughout the 2.5 years and actually aimed to finish the course in 2 years, but I still cannot believe something so good can happen to me. So the champagne will only by “popped” after receiving the results slip.

My students of Sec. 1NB know I am waiting for my exam results and I promised to tell them when it is released. That is whether I pass or fail. The next day, approaching the end of my lesson, I got everyone quieter for me to announce the good news. I said, “…. I thought I would fail my exams, but I received the results and I passed all 3.” I thought that would be followed by some smiles, or maybe a few would even ask me why I pass, considering that I am a teacher who likes to give homework and am very demanding about their conduct in class. There will be positive people, but the most I expect is some smiles and soft yeahs.

Guess what? The moment I finished my sentence, the wonderful Sec. 1NB stood up, cheered and clapped. That was electrifying. That is very kind of them to share with me my joy and I think it is very genuine. I don’t think they are taking this chance to make some noise in class because they are always making noise in class. It feels very good to know that there are people who look up to you and people are happy for you for your success. They made my day and I think I need to thank them again here. They would not know until I tell them this blog spot on the last day of this term. This episode reminds me of the good things and good people we have in this world.

Thank You, Sec. 1 NB

I hope there will be no mistake when the results slip arrived, as usual, so that I do not disappoint anyone. I have not really started on my OBU project. Not disciplined enough. I think one of the people I want to dedicate this project is to them. They give me the drive to go all the way.


Unknown said...

Haha.. it feel great right!! When somebody recognise your effect and works.

Unknown said...

Oi! Wait for the official results slip lah. Suddenly GOAL disallowed. ha ha...joking only. Congrats