December 03, 2004

Racing Colours for SCSM 2004

Here's my main apparels for the Singapore Marathon 2004: FBT running singlet(pictured above), FBT black running shorts and Asics Cumulus. Finally, my latest FBTs which are not used in the Army Half Marathon will make its appearance in the biggest running event in Singapore.

The shorts was bought about 2 years ago from Sembawang Shopping Centre at $10.00. The singlet was from Carrefour about 4 months ago costing only $7.90. More money is put into my running shoes and socks for obvious reasons. Asics Cumulus has been one of my best investments and I think she could run 1 more year of events before her decommission.

Browsed the Runspiration Guide for SCSM 2004 and learnt of some offerings for race spectators. Something new this year is the free transport services for spectators to scenic and vital points of the race to cheer for your friends or the elite runners. Buses will leave and arrive in batches. Depending on the pace of your friend (or friends, not necessarily me), you can choose to take the batch that will bring you to the point of the race, just-in-time to see your friends run pass. For example, a photographer who wants to take photos of the elite runners can take the first batch of buses and continue with that batch till he is back at the finishing straight. In this way, he will be able to take photos of the elite runners at their different phases of conquest. It is difficult to explain this free service clearer, do visit

I will be back this Sunday evening (you can log on after 8pm) to tell you my interesting discoveries and sightings, what is going through my mind and body throughout the race and, of course, my timing. Will continue my carbo-loading for now. Meanwhile, you enjoy your weekend!

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