December 11, 2004

Revisiting my NYJC

I have an intention of revisiting my JC days after my examinations and compile my struggles, success, failures, laughters, cries and all sort of experiences that have make of me today into a book. At a young age of 16, that is by far my toughest and interesting moments which are unknown to many. Those days have taught me valuable lessons and up to today, references are made to those experiences for many decisions I make. They changed my attitude.

If the intention is really put to action, I would probably stay at my aunt's house in Serangoon, near NYJC, for 3 or 4 days to put everything on paper. Publish them myself and give to only my handful of best friends. It is not a show of my achievements.... I failed more than I succeed. Neither is it an exhibit of my threshold to rejects and failures. Writing it out is for historic purpose and a way to force myself to reflect and then look forward again. Giving it to best friends is basically to share my moments with them.... it can be just that simple, especially when again, they are my loved ones.... children.... grandchildren.... great-grandchildren....

That's What Friends Are For by Dionne Warwick

And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say that I do believe I love you

And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today and then if you can remember

Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for


chucky said...

Ready anot? Write a book hahahahaha i also wish to write a book ,and i going to name it the floating Cage ,if i ready write lah.... hahahaha guess who am i! u can come find mi. I am your grestest FEAr!!!!!

Elvin said...

I got no idea who are you, chengqiang77 aka Chucky. Someone born in 1977 and aged 24??!!? You might be the Great Ho Seng Keong of RSS 87, but I dare not conclude. My intuition level is at its all time low currently considering the amount of muggings I put myself through over the weeks.

You may well be my greatest fear.... reading from your blogs that you seems to lose in every bets. Maybe you should change your blog name to chengqiang88. Fengshui, we are at Period 8.... 8 is a lucky number.

chucky said...

hahahahaha U r right young man!!!!! Tis blog kind of tings is abit lame...But anyway i got nothing to do so i also make 1 :p & worst i got othing to post... I hate compostion!!!!!!

Elvin said...

Let's go for some kopi after my exams next week and let me test my driving skill on your Honda or Toyota or Mazda.